Mediation By:Assent Solutions

                 The Key to Suitable Results



Prior to  mediation, the parties must sign an agreement to mediate form. This agreement establishes the understanding of the mediation process to set and resolve a disputed claim. The parties will be contacted to secure a date and time for mediation to begin.  

What are Settlement Forms?

    A.   Upon settlement of a dispute the parties will sign documents agreeing to the decision that was set in mediation.  This is the only record of the proceedings.  


Every dispute is different, however; each case will be handled to achieve the best result. Mediation is confidential and voluntary.  

How long is the mediation session?

     A.  The mediation sessions will vary from case to case depending on the type of case and the parties willingness to settle. 


What are the times for mediation?

A. Mediation sessions will be held during the week, evening, and on the weekend. You can live in any state in the U.S and request mediation services. 

***Due to Covid 19 we will ensure the safety of all parties and will conduct all sessions via zoom until further notice.***

Types of Mediation:  

       Court-Mandated- a court mandated mediation is an alternative dispute resolution practice which seeks to find a remedy to a conflict without the use of a court or legal system. 


     Civil-Civil cases can involve litigation between two companies about a contract, employment discrimination, consumer law violations, accidents or personal injury cases or any number of other disputes about the rights and duties between two parties.